Happy young woman holding headset on when working on laptop

Closing calls can be a significant event and have a certain mystique because of their importance.

However, these are not to be afraid of, as the right sales technique for phone sales can help close the deal every time.

Present everyone to the call

When you make a sales call, the first thing to do is to have everyone introduce themselves.

I ask everyone to state their name, title, and any goals they have for the call. You can inject some humour into the situation by having a lighthearted conversation. However, it shouldn’t last long and distract from the main point of the call — closing the deal.

Limit commonalities to 2 minutes

Begin the conversation with a friendly, lighthearted tone to get everyone comfortable.

Talk about common interests with the people on the call. You can share an anecdote about visiting the area your prospects live in or mention that you attended the same college or university.

Be brief and not get too involved in non-business issues. This can impact your ability to close the deal if there are busy executives.

Ask a question to open the discussion

I often say, “So our goal of today’s call is to get your started with HubSpot.” This is a bold statement, and many salespeople are afraid to be so direct. However, it’s crucial to be open. It’s important to communicate clearly.

Your prospects’ answers will determine the direction of your call. Even though it is a closing call, you can still plan it. You can expect them to respond with “We’re fine to move forward, but just have some last-minute queries,” or they will say the opposite.

They might say, “There are some things we still need to figure out.” In either case, you will need to pivot your strategy or spend the call presenting a value proposition that will drive them home.

Make a schedule

If the prospect is ready to close, you might say, “The rest of the conversation will involve answering any final minute questions, explaining the closing process, and setting you up to onboard once the contract has been signed.”

If you believe your prospect isn’t ready to buy from you, you can tell them that you would like to spend more time answering questions and presenting a value proposition. You don’t have to do it. You’re wasting time if your prospect is not ready to buy now or in the future. Get the deal back on the table.

Set up an onboarding timeline

Talk to your prospect if they are ready to go. Discuss the details of how you plan on getting started. This includes how they will buy your product and how implementation and onboarding work.

Also, it would help if you informed them about the customer support manager (CSM). This is when the deal is done, and they begin working with a CSM to help them succeed with your product.

Answer objections

An objection refers to a concern that prospects raise in response to something that might hinder their purchase from you. Closing calls often occur when last-minute objections are made, so it is important to be ready to deal with them.

Listening is the most important task when an objection confronts you. This will enable you to understand the issue and determine how to respond clearly.

price objection is the most common sales objection. Even prospects who are most likely to buy your product may have them. A prospect might say that the price is too high for them. You can then follow up by saying, “I’d love if you could go over X’s features, and how it will benefit you,” which will allow you to present a value proposition that differentiates your business from other businesses.

It’s important to set goals and allow customers to speak during calls. This will help you close the sale. You can ask them questions or be concerned about X. What are your main thoughts now?

Negotiate the price

You’ve probably already discussed the price with your prospect before going into the closing call. Your prospect can raise a point of negotiation, despite this.

There will be some back-and-forth in which you approach the other with concessions you are willing to make. It is important to have established your reservation pricing before you start negotiating. Most prospects won’t ask for a discount to get started. Let them choose a number and then go from there.

When you negotiate, ensure you speak with the decision-maker or someone who has the financial power and authority to approve the deal. You’ll waste your time and be at a disadvantage if the wrong person is involved in negotiations.

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