DALI is a standard for lighting communication that allows each light to be controlled individually based on the signals sent by sensors and switches. Look at the advantages of DALI compared to other communication methods.

Traditional Communication Methods

Previously, lighting controls were primarily controlled by PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) or analog voltage signals. Group control was also common. The difficulty of individually controlling lighting in an area (for example, lighting fixtures at the window and corridor sides) made it hard to implement energy-saving controls incorporating natural lighting. The control equipment could not receive information about the lighting equipment’s status or errors, which made maintenance difficult. Communication and management between manufacturers was impossible, even though some systems permitted individual control via proprietary methods. Lighting products must be more flexible for building owners or design companies to choose when considering design and performance.

DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface)

DALI assigns addresses to devices using digital signals, which allows bidirectional communication. It allows for the control of individual lighting equipment as well as the control device’s ability to know the lighting equipment’s status. The state of the sensors and lighting equipment is accurately monitored. This allows for more detailed control. As an open standard, DALI provides communication and control of products from various manufacturers. This expands the options available to building owners and design companies and overcomes the limitations of traditional communication methods.

DALI digital control allows for adjusting brightness and color, contributing to energy savings and comfortable lighting. DALI is also highly interoperable, allowing it to be used with various input devices, such as sensors and switches. DALI allows for even more advanced control of lighting and optimization of the lighting environment in a building. It is possible, for example, to use an occupancy sensor to detect people’s presence or absence and turn the lights on only in the necessary areas.


DALI: The Future of DALI

DALI’s flexible lighting control and high energy efficiency make it a highly sought-after solution for a sustainable society. It is regarded as one of the most critical technologies for realizing Green Buildings.

DALI allows you to adjust the lighting brightness in a building only when necessary. DALI reduces electricity waste and improves energy efficiency. It reduces the CO2 emissions from the building and contributes to preventing global warming. DALI lighting control is also said to improve productivity and comfort. For example, by changing the color of lighting during the day, you can help people maintain their circadian rhythms and create a comfortable atmosphere.

The development of wireless DALI continues. In the future, it will increase installation flexibility and eliminate the wiring requirement. It reduces installation effort and gives more flexibility in the layout.

DALI, as we have discussed, is an important technology in the realization of Green Buildings. Renesas DALI solutions make it possible to quickly, easily, and simply implement this DALI communication method.

Renesas’ DALI Solution

DALI is an interface for digital lighting control based on IEC 62386, a standard international. IEC 62386 is divided into several parts that each correspond to different aspects of lighting control. The entire lighting system can be controlled. DiiA1 is an industry association that plays a significant role in promoting and implementing IEC 62386. Renesas was the first semiconductor company to be both a member of DiiA and a regular DiiA member. We also provide a reliable DALI solution, which the official protocol stack tester has tested.

Renesas DALI-22 Total Solutions supports Control gear (devices like lighting fixtures) and Control Devices. This allows product development to comply with key parts of IEC 6238. Renesas DALI solution can be used to reduce the development time of stacks and applications for product development. It is estimated that this solution will facilitate the development time from six months to a year.


Control Gear and Its Appeal

Control Gear is an enslaved person in a lighting system. It controls lighting equipment, like LED lights or theatrical lighting.

Renesas DALI-2 Control Gear uses a library compliant with IEC 62836-102. It allows lighting equipment control to be adjusted and adapted according to different lighting environments. This also supports the 207LED and 208Tc requirements specific to LED lighting and theatrical illumination.

It also uses the RL78/I1A, a microcontroller with DALI communications and peripheral functions, for digital power supply. The RL78/I1A has advanced analog features, such as a Programmable Gain Amplifier and high-speed comparator (CMP), which reduce CPU load and code sizes. This feature appeals to developers looking to create cost-effective and efficient lighting control systems.

To ensure reliability, stacks are also tested using the DALI official tester. The Control Gear is tested to ensure it functions as intended, minimizing the chance of unexpected issues.

Control Devices and Their Appeal

1. DiiA: Digital Illumination Interface Alliance. A consortium of industry members whose goal is to promote the adoption and further development of DALI’s lighting communication standard. DiiA creates DALI technical specifications and certifies products that comply.

2. DALI-2 is an enhanced version of DALI that extends the functionality of DALI while improving communication accuracy and control precision.

3. SMS: Snooze Mode Sequencer. This feature allows processing to be performed independently of the CPU.

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