In the last few years, we have heard much about Buy or Make, Cost Optimization, Time to Market and Scalability. These phrases are often used by customers to discuss or consider the “buy solution” for a computer module. We need to define a few things before we can get into the details.


Single Board Computers (SBCs) are complete computers on one printed circuit board. They include the clock, microprocessors, RAM, Flash Memory, Ethernet and I/O Controllers.

Computer On Modules (COMs) and “System-On-Modules” (SoMs) do not typically have sockets to connect peripherals directly. The modules must be plugged into the main board, also known as the Carrier Board or Base Board. This completes the I/O paths with the outside world.

It is common to use this approach because the end-customer can concentrate on developing their core competency (e.g., POS, Factory Automation, Medical), as shown below.

  • Customized baseboards with specific I/Os
  • Add-on cards (e.g., M.2 format factor on the baseboard).
  • Running software on the baseboard

Form Factors

The devil is always in the details. Customers develop solutions based on requirements for the chosen fitting SoM, which can vary in different circumstances. This section provides an overview of major acronyms and form factors. SGET defines major form factors. SGET’s main focus is Arm Architecture, so we are closely watching SGETs initiatives.

SGET ” Standardization Group Embedded Technologies


SGET (Standardization Group for Embedded Technologies) is a non-profit international association of companies that develops independent specifications for embedded computing technology. SGET e.V. SGET e.V. is a registered association under German law. The goal is to create a platform for the definition and marketing of open standards industry-wide for embedded ogies.technol

SGET Goals:

  • Platform to grow embedded industry standards with low overheads and high performance
  • Globally oriented and not just limited to Europe
  • Defining market standards without bureaucracy
  • Download and access all specifications for free
  • Open and wide organization
  • Independent specification/working groups for embedded technologies (Hardware, Software, Systems, Interfaces, Mechanics, …)

Renesas has been a member since 2021 of SGET e.V. Renesas is committed to sharing our experience in MPU design with SGET and getting feedback from the market.

SMARC ” Smart Oobility AR hitecture”

The SMARC (r) (“Smart Mobility ARChitecture”), a small-form-factor computer module, is a versatile device that targets applications requiring low power consumption, low cost, and high performance.

Modules will use ARM SoCssimilar or identical to popular devices like smartphones and tablet computers.

Two module sizes are defined: 82mm by 50mm and 82mm by 80mm.

  • The PCBs of the modules have 314 edges and a 314-pin suitable angle connector with a low-profile 314-pin 0.5mm pitch.
  • Third Spec in discussion
  • SGET is currently working on a smaller form factor.

OSM (Open S standard M modules(TM),)

All Open Standard Modules (TM) are designed to provide a future-proof, versatile standard suitable for low-cost, small-sized embedded computer modules.

  • Fully machine processible for soldering and assembly.
  • Different packages can be used for direct soldering of PCBs without connectors
  • Interfaces pre-defined for soft- and hardware
  • Open-Source software and hardware

Open Standard Module (TM) (OSM), a specification, allows the development, production, and distribution of embedded modules on popular MCU32 architectures, Arm, and even x86. This standard can help many IoT applications combine the advantages of modular embedded computing with cost, space, and interface requirements. This standard allows for creating different form factors, such as SMARC or proprietary, and helps developers scale their development.


Exclusive Form Factors

The majority of modules used are proprietary. OEM customers also develop and produce computer modules to separate the processing units from the applications and divide development into two groups. Proprietary solutions enable either to focus solely on a particular SoC, without losing any of its features, or on specialties driven by an application or a focus on one prominent feature.

Customers Benefit

The main benefit of using SoMs and SBCs is the division of knowledge and resources. An MPU expert handles the MPU design when buying a SoM or SBC. Fast interconnect, high-speed connections, and the choice of companion chips are no longer a problem.

Renesas provides two partner programs to support your development. RZ Partner Ecosystem delivers ready-to-go partner solutions based on RZ MPUs for your board development. The Preferred Partner Program, on the other hand, is a partner program that focuses on hardware. Our partners provide ready-to-use (including) hardware. The BSP features Renesas RZ MPUs, plus Renesas sensors, analogs, and connectivity. Customers can concentrate on their product differentiation using our partner programs. Both partner programs provide solutions and hardware to various applications, from consumer products to industrial applications such as medical devices.

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